Life is What You Make It PDF free download by Preeti Shenoy

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Unlock the transformative power of “Life is What You Make It PDF” by Preeti Shenoy. Discover insights, inspiration, and expert perspectives in this comprehensive guide.

Life is What You Make It PDF
Life is What You Make It PDF File Download

In the world of literature, there are authors who touch our hearts, inspire us, and leave an indelible mark on our lives. Preeti Shenoy is undeniably one of these authors, and her work, “Life is What You Make of It PDF,” is a testament to her wisdom and storytelling prowess. In this article, we delve into the depths of this captivating book, exploring its essence and the profound lessons it imparts.

Life is What You Make It summary

Challenges, love, failures, and such deep sadness that it tells a moving story that makes you want to die, and the ultimate triumph of the “never say die” attitude.

This book, established in Kerala in the 1980s, unfolds in a mental hospital where the protagonist and author of the novel, Ankita Sharma, a 21-year-old beautiful and smart young woman, is confined against her will by her parents.

The story of how she ended up there begins with flashbacks of her childhood friends, her love interests, and her exchange of letters while studying at IIT Delhi.

Ankita has recently gained admission to St. Agnes College for Girls, where she is not only an excellent student, excelling in her exams and extracurricular activities but also an all-rounder loved by everyone.

She is quickly chosen as the Secretary of the Arts Club, and she soon makes many friends. Her love for Vaibhav and Abhishek, boys from another college, takes precedence in her life during these thrilling college days, filling her heart and eventually leading to their departure.

Review of book Life is What You Make It

Three years later, Ankita enrolls in her dream MBA college in Mumbai, and everything seems to be going well until her family has to move to Mumbai due to her father’s promotion. Ankita breaks up with Abhishek and cannot cope with the separation. She falls into addiction and attempts suicide.

Living in Mumbai, she gradually loses sight of her true self as depression slowly consumes her. In its grip, she tries to end her life. Eventually, she is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and admitted to a mental hospital, concluding the flashbacks.

The book’s epilogue mentions her recovery from depression and how, fifteen years later, she has earned six degrees and is happily married.

“Life is What You Make It” PDF File Details

PDF File“Life is What You Make It” PDF file
AuthorPreeti Shenoy
File Size779 KB
Last Update09 Oct 2023

The Impact of “Life is What You Make It PDF”

Inspiring Real-Life Stories

Shenoy’s writing frequently provides readers with comfort and inspiration. Numerous lives have been impacted by it, giving people who are struggling comfort and hope. An effective tool for healing, the book’s relatability and unvarnished honesty.

Cultivating Mental Resilience

“Life is What You Make of It” PDF sparks conversations about mental health, helping reduce the stigma surrounding it. Shenoy’s insightful storytelling encourages individuals to prioritize their mental well-being and seek help when needed.


Life is What You Make It PDF” by Preeti Shenoy is not just a book; it’s a transformative journey that touches the soul. Through Shenoy’s powerful storytelling, readers learn to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and a positive outlook. So, immerse yourself in the pages of this remarkable work and discover the profound wisdom it holds.

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Question 1. What is the central theme of “Life is What You Make of It PDF”?

Answer: The book revolves around mental health, resilience, and the power of positive thinking.

Question 2. Is this book suitable for all age groups?

Answer: Yes, the book’s universal themes make it relevant to readers of all ages.

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